Sunday, March 28, 2010

More of BigJ's European Vacation

One of BigJ's goals on our Christmas vacation was to go to McDonalds in foreign countries. He wanted to see whether McDonalds food really is the same everywhere you go or not. And also, since he is a true McDonalds fan, he wanted to eat the food in a foreign land. The following is BigJ's story.

My trip to Europe was insane. I'm just a plain dude from America. I met my stepfather's family the
morning after I got there, what they call Boxing Day, what we call the day after Christmas. They're very nice people. I was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to understand their accents, but I did, it was fine.

I was mesmerized by the size of their streets. They're like two thirds of a normal road, and I don't mean a highway, I mean the road your house is on. And as everyone knows the driving is on the other side and the steering wheel is on the other side. Totally freaked me out. The first day out and about we went and did touristy things. We went to an old cityand saw a real castle. It was so big it was like the real deal.

I decided I wanted to only eat their foods that you can't get in the states. So - first meal bangers and mash. It was good. It's just sausage links and peas and mashed potatoes and carrots on a plate. No biggie. If you go there -- chill out.One thing about America -- everything's go go go. I've been a few places out of America. The rest of the world moves a little slower with service; and its not such like clock work.

 We went to London. I am so blessed to have done that. It was past great. We even went to Harrod's, the most expensive store in the world. If you can ever get there please do, it's like another world, all the old sights and the things in the movies I've seen before. I saw all of that in London. I didn't get to see my Stonehenge, but that's another trip, hopefully. 

So for New Year's Eve we went to Boulogne in France. Now that's more WILD than London. Everyone was like staring at me, because I'm a really tall and big guy and people don't wear Polo shirts and khakis. Little did I know at the time, that's just very American. Plus being well over six foot, I definitely had some onlookers.

And omg, THE PIZZA IN FRANCE -- I wish they could deliver to Florida. I swear to God, unless you go to the Motherland of Italy, which I haven't been to, no one holds a torch next to French pizza. Twice I had it and it blew me away, way more expensive though of course.

All in all, it was a great experience, and if you can do it -- DO IT.


  1. wow that sounds awsome

  2. One thing in France is the beer in McDonald's and friend eggs on Pizza.

  3. Anonymous meant to write "fried eggs on Pizza". We somehow missed out on those, and, yes, quite odd to us for McDonalds to sell beer. :) Thanks for the comment!

  4. McDonalds sells beer??? lol
